Certified Growth

Certified growth is achieved through the adoption of a Management System that integrates multiple certifications aimed at improving our performance in various areas, including Quality, Sustainability, Health and Safety, and Environmental Management.
This is a voluntary choice by the company, which implements Organizational and Management Models based on internationally recognized technical standards. This approach fosters continuous optimization, enhancing our performance and objectives with a single goal: customer satisfaction.
A Management System helps define the tools needed to monitor processes and activities, fostering an Organizational Culture committed to a continuous cycle of self-assessment, correction, and improvement.
These frameworks were initially independent, but since one of the core principles is that all standards can work together, integrating them into a unified perspective allows for better management of the production process, providing a comprehensive view of each system’s unique aspects.
Cossa Polimeri holds certifications in Quality (UNI EN ISO 9001:2015), Environmental Management (UNI EN ISO 14001:2015), Health and Safety (UNI EN ISO 45001:2018), Sustainable Materials with a Mass Balance approach (ISCC PLUS), and Recycled Content (CSI).

Our corporate code of ethics serves as a fundamental guide for all our activities. It reflects the values and principles we commit to upholding daily, ensuring integrity, transparency, and accountability in all aspects of our work.
A code of ethics is crucial for several reasons. First, it establishes clear behavioral standards for employees, fostering a respectful and professional work environment. It also strengthens the trust of our clients, suppliers, and partners by demonstrating our commitment to ethical and transparent business practices.
Additionally, it helps prevent unethical behavior and ensures ethical dilemmas are handled fairly and consistently. In summary, our code of ethics is essential for maintaining our reputation and ensuring that our company operates with the highest integrity.

Corporate certifications are fundamental to our polymer production activities. They confirm that our processes, products, and services meet rigorous international quality and safety standards.
Having certifications is important because it assures our clients that we adhere to industry best practices.
These recognitions reinforce trust in our products, demonstrating our commitment to excellence and regulatory compliance.
Certifications also contribute to improving internal processes, fostering a safe and efficient work environment. Therefore, our certifications not only confirm the quality of our products but also represent our ongoing commitment to innovation and sustainability.

Our corporate policy is based on a commitment to excellence, innovation, and sustainability in the polymer sector. We strive to meet customer needs through high-quality products and reliable services. We promote a safe, respectful, and inclusive work environment for our employees. We uphold ethical and transparent business practices, complying with both local and international regulations. Additionally, we continuously invest in research and development to stay at the forefront of polymer technology and production processes. Our corporate policy aims to create long-term value for all stakeholders, contributing to sustainable business success and industry growth.

Whistleblowing Reports

In compliance with Legislative Decree No. 24 of March 10, 2023, regarding whistleblowing reports, COSSA POLIMERI S.r.l. (“COSSA”) has established an internal reporting channel and adopted the “Whistleblowing Regulation COSSA POLIMERI S.r.l.,” available by clicking here.

Who can submit reports?

Reports can be submitted by both internal and external parties, including employees, collaborators, freelancers, interns, consultants, suppliers, shareholders, or individuals holding administrative or supervisory roles, such as members of the Board of Directors.

What can be reported?

Reports should be as detailed as possible and must concern legal violations that affect public interest or the integrity of COSSA, such as corruption, breaches of workplace health and safety regulations, or environmental violations.

The following do not qualify as whistleblowing reports and will not be considered:
• Personal complaints, disputes, or claims related to one’s employment relationship
• Service complaints about COSSA’s performance

How can be reported?

Reporting Channels

• internal;
• external (ANAC – https://whistleblowing.anticorruzione.it/#/);
• divulgazione pubblica (tramite la stampa, mezzi elettronici o mezzi di diffusione in grado di raggiungere un numero elevato di persone);
• denuncia all’Autorità giudiziaria o contabile.

Internal Channels:

COSSA has adopted the following internal reporting channels:
• A dedicated whistleblowing platform called “WHISTLEBLOWING SEGNALAZIONI TESEO ERM,” accessible at: https://cossapolimeri.wb.teseoerm.com/#/;
• Voice message reporting via the integrated system on the above platform
• Direct meeting reporting

For further details, refer to the COSSA Whistleblowing Regulation, including the “Operational Instructions for Using the Platform,” available by clicking here.

External Reporting Channels:

• A national reporting channel managed by the National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC), accessible at: https://www.anticorruzione.it/-/whistleblowing): here.
• Public disclosure through media or social networks, allowed only in residual cases as specified in the extended policy.

Personal Data

For information on personal data processing in the context of whistleblowing reports, please refer to the dedicated privacy notice, available by clicking here.